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In the following article you will find information on what to expect your child to do and what skills to acquire at a certain age. It is very important to know that no baby is the same as any other child of their age. Therefore, in the following article, you will only find an outline of what a child can do at a specific ageIt does not imply that all babies of the same age acquire all the skills described below. For example, one baby might be further along in terms of motor development but have yet to develop their speech skills and vice versa. 

Motor development


They can go up and down the stairs easily.

They can open a door.

They can climb on furniture.

They can wash and dry their hands.

They can drink liquids (water, milk, juice) from a cup.

They can build a tower with 6 blocks.

Social and cognitive development


They start asking questions about everything.

They develop an opinion about their toys and know how to use them.

They can tell their parents if they need to use the bathroom.

Hearing and speech development


They develop a rich vocabulary that can reach up to 50 words.

They know the meaning of “no” and they use it.

They can create a sentence using up to 3 words.

They can ask a question using two words, e.g. “why mama?”.

They can use verbs and nouns.

Tips for parents – What to-do

Minimize the amount of time the kids spend watching TV.

Children being to play outside the house. Let them play with other children and make sure they do so safely.

Try setting rules in a fun way.

Don’t argue with your child. There is not point to have a winner and a loser.
Authored by Dr. Adamos Hadjipanayi, Paediatrician