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In the following article you will find information on what to expect your child to do and what skills to acquire at a certain age. It is very important to know that no baby is the same as any other child of their age. Therefore, in the following article, you will only find an outline of what a child can do at a specific ageIt does not imply that all babies of the same age acquire all the skills described below. For example, one baby might be further along in terms of motor development but have yet to develop their speech skills and vice versa. 

Motor development


The baby can’t sit independently, but can sit with support behind their back

When held upright he supports much of his weight on their feet.

Moves objects from one hand to the other.

When holding an object and you offer them another, they drop the first one.

Turns from face down to face up.

Social and cognitive development


Identifies both parents.

Displeased when you take away their toy.

Observes the path of an object that falls to the floor.

Hearing and speech development


Begins to understand the meaning of “yes” and “no”

Begins to say da-da and ma-ma.

Starts to produce sounds that resemble words without being actual words.

Turns their head and locates the source of a sound.

Tips for parents – What to-do

Continue talking to and singing to your child.

Put your baby to sleep at a specific time.

Set boundaries to their requests.

Supply them with age-appropriate toys.
Authored by Dr. Adamos Hadjipanayi, Paediatrician